SPECIAL – Netflix “Full Swing” Season 2 – interview Chad Mumm, executive producer

Sæson 2 af Netflix-serien “Full Swing” har premiere den 6. marts, og vi har igen fået en snak med Chad Mumm, idé-manden og produceren bag serien.

Hør ham bl.a. fortælle om hvordan han oplevede det turbulente 2023, aftalen mellem PGA Tour og Saudi-Arabiens Public Investment Fund, hvordan arbejdet foregår bag kulissen og kom tættere på Ryder Cup.

Golf Showets special er produceret af Qvortrup Media i samarbejde med www.golfexperten.dk


Season 2 of the hit Netflix show “Full Swing” premieres March 6th worldwide. Creator and executive producer Chad Mumm was kind enough to chat to us about how he experienced June 6th 2023 where the PGA Tour announced a partnership with the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, how it changed the planning of the show, how the production team scrambles when new stories emerge and not least how they managed to chronicle the drama of the 2023 Ryder Cup.

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